Okilly Dokilly is the world's only Nedal band. Hailing from Phoenix, Arizona, a majority of the band's lyrics are direct Ned quotes. The band's current members include Head Ned (vocals), Dread Ned (drums), Shred Ned (guitar) and Zed Ned (synth). Joining in 2022 are touring members Led Ned (guitar) and Bloodshed Ned (bass)
Established in 2015 with original members Head Ned, Red Ned, Bled Ned, Stead Ned and Thread Ned, the band found success before ever playing their first show. Okilly Dokilly became a viral phenomenon after releasing just a few press photos and a 4-song demo. Within 2 weeks, the band had nearly 30,000 Facebook fans and was featured by numerous publications including Billboard, Time, The Independent, BBC, Esquire, Vice and many more.
In November of 2016 the band released their debut album, 'Howdilly Doodilly', a 13-track catalog filled with Flanderisms, rushing guitars and more than enough left-handed puns. A music video for the lead single, “White Wine Spritzer” was also released in November of 2016. The video eventually caught the eye of the folks over at The Simpsons who, in April of 2019, ran the video during the end credits of a Season 30 episode.
Since its formation, Okilly Dokilly has released 2 full-length albums and has embarked on several national and international headlining tours.
In early 2022, the band announced they would be going on an indefinite hiatus following the Tourdilly Do ‘22 farewell tour in April and May.
white wine spritzer
want to say howdilly doodilly?
North American booking
Jonathan Knight
Atomic Music Group
International booking
Ben Hylands
Inspired Artists Agency
For PR inquiries, please contact:
Natalie Camillo
Adrenaline PR